Special Educational Needs

The intent we have for children with SEND, is the same intent as we have for all our children, and is underpinned by our church school vision.

Our SEND children are nurtured and supported to develop skills to become independent, resilient learners with the same opportunities as their peers, to succeed in the wider world.

This is achieved through a combination of Quality First Teaching approaches and additional SEND support. Staff understand individual pupil’s learning needs and use the graduated approach to support teaching and learning.

  • All members of the staff ensure all children receive the best education to suit their needs.
  • Children who need extra help in any area are identified as early as possible. Progress is monitored and reviewed regularly as part of the graduated approach: assess, do, review.
  • Parents are: contacted, consulted, involved, and kept informed at all stages.
  • Special programmes are set up to support the child’s development.

Within the school, we have considerable expertise and resources for helping children with special needs.

Specialist advice is available to help those with learning, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Provision for able/gifted children is met by the class teacher and may involve support from other agencies.
Our Educational Inclusion Policy (which includes SEND Provision) is available on our website.