School Uniform
School Uniform and Equipment
All children are required to wear school uniform. We strongly advise that all items of uniform are labelled with your child’s name.
For All Children
For health and safety reasons, we ask that hair of a reasonable length is tied back.
Grey or black pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts. Skirts, dresses and pinafores should be knee length.
Pale blue checked summer dresses
White, pale blue or navy shirt/polo shirt
School sweatshirt/cardigan (or plain navy jumper)
Sensible dark footwear, or plain sandals (please avoid heels/large block heels, large buckles and
accessories). Socks must be worn with shoes.
Plain black, grey or navy socks or tights. White socks can be worn for P.E
Hair bobbles/bands should be plain navy or back. No large bows or colourful hair accessories are allowed.

PE kit—all children:
PE kits should include plimsolls and/or trainers (no canvas shoes, please). Good gripping soles on PE shoes are required for outdoor sessions.
Navy or black shorts
White or blue T-shirt
Navy or black tracksuit (or navy/black jogging bottoms/warm top).
Please note: we do not allow children to wear football/rugby top.
Swimming hats are required for all children as part of Branston Academy’s pool regulations.
Children in KS2 should come to school in their PE kits on their timetabled day.
Children in EYFS and KS1 should come to school in their regular uniform, with their PE kit in PE bags, unless the class teacher informs you otherwise.
Uniform can be supplied by Nationwide School Uniforms—please visit their website: However, there is no requirement for children to wear uniform with the school logo.
Jewellery, toys and valuables should not be brought to school.
For safety reasons, earrings must be removed for PE and swimming lessons.
Only small stud ear-rings are acceptable in school for safety reasons.
All children will be supplied with with a clear school ‘sipper bottle’ to bring water. These should be clearly named.
Due to the limitations of space, children are asked not to bring large backpacks or other large bags into school.