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Our Code of Conduct: – “At Potterhanworth we are thoughtful and considerate towards each other. We will respect the school building and everything in it.”

  • We are proud of the high standard of behaviour and the caring family atmosphere in our school.
  • We have a consistent and positive approach to behaviour management, which is explained in our Behaviour Policy.
  • Children are asked to show respect for others, the school, and property.
  • If a child persistently misbehaves, the head teacher will consult with parents regarding appropriate action.
  • The school has an anti-bullying and anti-racism policy.


You will receive our newsletter (Potterhanworth News) in Terms 1, 3 and 5— this gives as much advance information as we can. in addition, letters will be sent each term regarding the various activities and events.

Please also check our website and Twitter (X) account.

Please ensure that we always have up-to-date telephone details in order that we can contact you if necessary.

Most correspondence will be sent electronically, via ParentMail—we encourage everyone to register for this very efficient service, which ensures you receive mail speedily.

Secondary Schools

  • Children from Potterhanworth go on to attend a variety of secondary schools in the area (including Branston Community Academy, local Grammar Schools and The Priory Academy).
  • Each year teachers from the secondary schools come into school to meet the year 6.
  • We do not provide any coaching or preparation for the 11+. Children are invited to the Grammar school to sit their 11+ examinations.

Health & Medicines

Parents are required to provide at least two numbers in case we need to contact you. Staff qualified in
first aid can usually deal with minor accidents but may contact you if there is a concern.

Under no circumstances must a child return to school after a bout of sickness or diarrhoea until they
have been free from symptoms for 48 hours.

Children suffering from infections requiring treatment by antibiotics should not normally be in school until the course
of treatment has started to become effective. On appropriate occasions the Head teacher will make facilities
available for a parent who wishes to come into school to treat their child. Parents can request for the school to
administer medication, but a form MUST be completed at the office, and the medicine must be labelled and
handed in with the form.

If your child is absent because of illness, please email the class teacher
by 9.15 am on the morning of absence.