IMG_2471KS2 have made excellent use of Nocton sports hall in terms 3 and 4. They have enjoyed handball, fitness and dance.

All the children performed in and end of module dance show. Parents and infants came along to watch.

The last week was our intra school competition afternoon. We were pleased to have some students from Lincoln College back to run a tri golf competition. Assisted by the children, they ran a fitness test – the ‘bleep test’, and a handball competition.


Year 3 / 4 Year 5 / 6
Tri golf 1st = yellow and green3rd blue

4th red

1st red2nd green

3rd blue

4th yellow

Handball 1st green2nd yellow

3rd = blue and red

1st blue2nd red

3rd yellow

4th green

Bleep test 1st blue2nd green

3rd yellow

4th red

1st yellow2nd blue

3rd red

4th green