Potterhanworth School
School GovernorsDebbie Challinor
I am the Head Teacher at Potterhanworth School. My specialisms are Early Years, Drama and English Literature. I am very proud to lead such a dedicated team of staff and governors.
Julie Parry
I was originally elected as a Parent Governor. I am now an Associate Governor. I have strong community links, having lived in Potterhanworth for over 25 years, and been involved in various ways (eg as Parish Councillor).
Both of my children attended Potterhanworth School. I care deeply about equal opportunities for all children, and recognise the school’s important position at the heart of the community.
Richard Gilding (Chair)
I have lived in Potterhanworth since 2006. My child has attended the school since 2009, and I was elected Parent Governor in November 2013.
My role is to represent parents on the Governing Body, and I support the school with the broad knowledge and experience gained through my 25 year career as a retail manager.
I have a strong sense of community and civic responsibility. I support the school as often as I can to support the children, (eg accompanying them on school trips, invigilating in exams and helping with DIY).
Laura Collins Teacher Governor.
I have worked as KS2 leader within school since September 2014 and have been a teacher governor since January 2015 and am part of the Personnel and Standards sub-committee.
Within my role as a teacher governor, I am able to inform the rest of the governing body about the day-to-day implementation of the School Development Plan, as well as update them on new initiatives being used within everyday teaching.
Alex Machin
I was elected as a Local Authority Governor on 8 Feb 2022. As a Local Authority Governor I am a representative of the local authority and provide an ‘LA viewpoint’, however I also participate in the same way as the other governors.
An RAF Officer by profession, I have 2 children who attend the school. I have a keen community spirit, also being a Trustee and Treasurer of the Potterhanworth “Culfrey Lands Charity”.
I look forward to supporting the School and Children in any way that I can.
Sandeep Christian
I have 2 children who currently attend the school and one who studied there till 2021. I was elected foundation Governor in 2022. Previously, I served as a Pastor of a large Church in New Delhi, India for many years. My family and I moved here in the year 2020 and the school was one of the main reasons we moved to Potterhanworth. Currently I busy myself with teaching that BIble at various churches in the midlands area. I also serve as a deacon at the Baptist Church that we attend, where I have responsibility for all university students that attend. It is a privilege to be elected a foundation governor to help the school with its Church distinctive identity.
Paul Reames
I joined as Parent Governor at the beginning of 2022 and I also sit on the budget committee. I have been running a communications & technology business for 15 years and I hope that my business experience will be an asset to the Board of Governors and to the school. Two of my children have been through primary education at Potterhanworth School and have had wonderful experiences, I wanted to give something back to the school through my role as Governor.
Val Abram
I became a Foundation Governor in 2014. I am a retired Secondary school teacher with 35 years’ experience. My children attended Potterhanworth School.
Sarah Bassett
I have been a Governor since April 2014. I am a registered nurse with 3 young boys, who all attend the school. I am delighted to be part of the continuing growth of the school and its integral part of our community. I support in any way I can and have completed a number of Governor training courses.
Graziella Soulsbury
I was elected Parent Governor in 2018. I was delighted to join the Board, as I have a strong commitment to ensure that our school is a place where every child achieves their potential. I have three children attending the school. As a Scientist, and someone who has moved country to pursue a career in higher education, I appreciate first-hand what a difference a good education can make to someone’s future prospects.
The Rev’d Lorna Brabin-Smith Ex Officio Governor
I moved here to become Rector of Branston with Nocton and Potterhanworth last spring. I have had a varied career – my last ‘proper job’ was as a marketing manager with a local authority. Then, having studied in one of the Cambridge theological colleges, I served my curacy in Leicester. After that came seven years as Team Vicar in the Fosse Team, I am now enjoying working with our local schools and churches.
Megan Machin
I have 2 children who attend the school and was elected Parent Governor in 2020. I subsequently became the Parent Governor Representative on the Children’s and Young Person Scrutiny Board (CYPSB) as well as the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (OSMB) for the Lincolnshire County Council. I am also Chair of the Friends of Potterhanworth Primary School (FOPPS), a serving member of the Royal Air Force as well as a STEM Ambassador. I feel privileged to be in a position to influence the continuing development of the school and support school staff in any way possible to continue to provide a safe, happy environment for the children to learn.