
Organisation of Teaching and Learning

Organisation of Teaching

The school currently has five classes and this may vary from year to year. Class organisation is based on numbers in each year group and
the needs of individual children.


Our Curriculum Intent


Our overall intent is:
“To nurture independent, resilient, inquisitive learners who have a breadth of knowledge, experience and skills, with aspirations to
succeed in the wider world.”
Based on the context of our school, ‘Oracy, Diversity and Independence are the golden threads which are woven through many aspects
of our curriculum to support children’s academic and social well-being. We wish to prepare them for life beyond Potterhanworth.

Why these golden threads?


We need to support all levels of language development across our school. We wish to explicitly extend our children’s spoken vocabulary
so that they can use very purposeful, structured, curriculum-focused dialogue for their interaction with others.
We wish to ensure our children have the right level of vocabulary to communicate in a variety of different situations; respecting their
‘audience’, listening and taking turns – and knowing how to articulate their thoughts and ideas.


Living in a small village in rural Lincolnshire, most of our children have very little experience of diversity.
We wish to broaden our children’s horizons so that they have a deeper understanding of cultural differences and diverse groups.
We feel it is important to lay down the foundations for an inclusive society which understands, respects and embraces differences. This,
we believe, will help our children to be part of an inclusive society in the wider world.


We want our children to have the confidence, ‘tools’ and resilience to do things independently!
We aim to provide opportunities to develop children’s life skills and create a culture where our children are encouraged to overcome

Our Implementation


Our Curriculum is built around BIG QUESTIONS, a different one every big term, on a 2-year cycle. Teachers have autonomy over how
they deliver the curriculum, under the BIG QUESTIONS, whilst working within the NC framework and being guided by our school’s progression
of knowledge documents (POK).
POK documents outline the knowledge and skill expectations for each year group / key stage, to ensure that there is progression
throughout the school in terms of the skills (and knowledge) we want our year 6 children to be leaving us with.
Within each curriculum area, we see our golden threads: oracy, diversity, independence. These golden threads may not appear in every
subject, but where they do, there are clear pathways
Teaching staff use the NC and POK’s to plan cross curricular links which are purposeful and support the layers of learning in order to help
learning ‘stick’ – repetition, consolidation and application.
These links support the application of reading, writing and maths skills, but also place other areas of learning in context and give the
children real life purpose and meaning to their studies.
Marking, feedback and on-going assessments are used to guide next steps in learning and provide new challenges.


The children feel well cared for and supported.
Our children achieve well from their starting points.
They acquire the necessary values, knowledge and skills to support the next stage of their education and lives beyond
our school.
Children display a strong work ethic and take ownership of their learning.
At the end of Year 6, children leave Potterhanworth with overall raised confidence levels ready to embrace the new
challenges of secondary school and life beyond

Early Years Foundation Stage


Our child-centred, nurturing learning environment is inspired by the awe and wonder of the world around
The personalized curriculum enhances a child’s curiosity and wonder, and allows each child to flourish.
Staff work closely with parents, supporting and promoting independence and resilience, guiding children and
helping to promote a positive attitude to school and a love of learning.
During their first year, the children follow the Curriculum Guidance for Early Years.

Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

After their Reception Year, children follow the new National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2—Years 1 and 2 being
Key Stage 1, and Years 3-6 being Key Stage 2. The National Curriculum gradually builds on the key skills
developed in Early Years.

KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum


The National Curriculum is taught through a mixture of themes and topics, subject specific
lessons and the teaching of knowledge and skills. Within our themes, we cover
a range of subject areas and ensure we utilise the local environment and wider
community whilst promoting first-hand experiences.


The National Curriculum for English describes what must be taught in each year group. We aim for each child to be able to communicate effectively and confidently by developing their oracy skills.

We value children’s abilities to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes, so using language to learn and communicate ideas, views and feelings. This enables children to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as nonfiction and media texts.

We believe that children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children are encouraged to use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across the curriculum and in a range of different situations.


  • The school adopts a systematic approach to the teaching of
    phonics, using the Floppy’s Phonics scheme.
  • The books children bring home to read will be in line with the sounds they have learnt at school.
  • Class library books are shared with children to encourage reading for pleasure and sharing books with families.
  • Children are encouraged to read widely and often.
  • Quality talk-time is developed to support children’s understanding of books—strong oracy skills are developed.
  • Children develop their comprehension skills through a variety of reading sessions.
  • Children will share a rich variety of books during their time at school, based around a spine on key texts, which are explored in depth.


  • Children are taught to spell, to use punctuation and the rules of grammar.
  • Children learn to write for a variety of audiences and purposes.
  • Technical English is taught from an early age.
  • Spelling and handwriting are taught through a systematic approach. Neatness and accuracy are emphasised.

Please click on the links below for more information about the progression of our English curriculum.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Reading Curriculum Progression

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Writing KS1 Curriculum Progression

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Writing KS2 Curriculum Progression


Mathematical development depends on becoming confident and competent in learning and using key skills. The National Curriculum for Mathematics describes what must be taught in each year group. This structure of the curriculum gives continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics. Maths is important in everyday life. It is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards maths that will remain with them.

Early on this includes counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns, making connections, recognising relationships and working with numbers, shapes, space and measures. Mathematical understanding is developed through stories, songs, games and imaginative play, so that children can enjoy using and experimenting with numbers. Early years provision ensures that children can apply what has been taught via their child-initiated tasks.

We recognise the importance of establishing a secure foundation in mental calculation, times tables and recall of number facts before standard written methods are introduced.

The adults in school use the appropriate terminology in our teaching and children are expected to use it in their verbal and written explanations.
Mathematics contributes to many subjects and it is important the children are given opportunities to apply and use mathematics in real contexts.
We endeavour at all times to set work that is  challenging, motivating and encourages the pupils to talk about what they have been doing.

Please click on the link below for more information about the progression of our Mathematics curriculum.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia  Maths

Science, History, Geography, DT and Computing

In these areas, the children are developing the crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of their world. In the Early Years, the foundations are laid for later work in science, design and technology, history, geography and computing.

Starting from the child’s previous experiences, cross-curricular play activities make a vital contribution to the children’s learning of basic skills and the teacher and staff can work with small groups or individuals to focus on particular aspects to be developed. There will be a range of provision, structured play activities and child-initiated tasks available at all times. Activities are based on first-hand experiences that encourage exploration, observation, problem solving, prediction, critical thinking, decision making and discussion.

Children work on specific design technology projects based around real life concepts using a variety of tools and materials. We develop historical and geographical knolwegde and skills, through a variety of interesting studies and visits. We visit the local museums, historical Lincoln and we also take children on trips such as to Rand Farm. In KS2 the children have the option to participate in overnight residential visits.

Through our teaching of these subjects we stimulate children’s interest in their world and through this they develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding. Our teaching ensures all National Curriculum objectives are met, whilst also working with the children’s interests. Science knowledge and enquiry skills are developed through practical experiments, research and demonstrations. Children study different topics throughout each year; each having a different scientific emphasis for example, everyday materials, forces and magnets.

Our Computing curriculum is based around the three strands of Computing, such as, Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy, with the three strands woven throughout each year group’s lessons. Our pupils are taught to use technology safely, competently and to enhance their learning. Within these lessons, pupils are taught key, and age appropriate online safety skills.

Please click on the links below for more information about the progression of our Science, History, Geography, DT and Computing curriculums.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Science Curriculum Progression

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia History Curriculum Progression

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Geography Curriculum Progression

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Design and Technology Curriculum Progression


Art & Design, Music and Languages

Creative development is fundamental to successful learning. Being creative enables children to make connections between one area of learning and another. Children develop their artistic knowledge and skills through a range of mediums. Opportunities across school encourage children to apply their artistic abilities in cross-curricular work.

We are proud of the music, dance and drama opportunities that we offer our children. They play a variety of instruments within music curriculum time and are also offered opportunities to take up a peripatetic music lesson and sing in the school choir. There are many opportunities for performing in concerts and other events at differing points in the school year. We have strong links with Branston Community Academy, and the children perform their end of year production in their modern concert hall.

At KS2, we teach Spanish as a discreet subject. We use the ‘Language Angels’ programme. Children are taught how to speak Spanish and how to write in short sentences and phrases.

At KS1 the language is incorporated into our topic work and children are introduced to simple greetings, colours and numbers. We develop children’s confidence with their speaking and listening skills, and there is a stronger focus on communicating with others. The children are taught about different cultures and traditions in Spain, fostering curiosity and exploration of  the wider world.

Please click on the link below for more information about the progression of our Art curriculum.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Art and Design Curriculum Progression

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Music

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Languages

Physical Education

Physical Education is about improving skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement. This involves fine and gross motor skills.

It also has two other very important aspects: it helps children gain confidence in what they can do and enables them to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active. We encourage children to enjoy sports and to develop a positive attitude towards healthy exercise.

The school is fortunate to have access to a large playing field and hall as  well as two school playgrounds where the children practise skills for many different activities including the following games: gymnastics, dance, football, netball, tag rugby, tennis, hockey, kwik-cricket and athletics. We are also fortunate to have use of the local Community Academy’s swimming pool to take different year groups swimming.

Please click on the link below for more information about the progression of our Art curriculum.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia  PE Curriculum Progression

Further Curriculum Information

Religious Education

We develop children’s understanding of Christianity and other principle religions. Our lessons are based on the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity documents, where the children’s knowledge of religion and respects for all faiths are expanded. Children are encouraged to ask questions and find answers on world issues. We promote children having the confidence to make decisions on right or wrong and becoming caring and considerate members of society.

Please click on the link below for more information about the progression of our Religious Education curriculum.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia Religious Education Curriculum Progression

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education is important in equipping children for their lives now and in the future. It is set within a framework of Christian values and taught as part of the PSHE programme. Aspects of this are taught through our ‘1Decision’ resource which delivers all aspects of this at an age-appropriate level. Our policy can be found on our website.

Please click on the link below for more information about the progression of our PHSE curriculum.

File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia PSHE Curriculum Progression

Additional Information

Assessment & Testing

  • Assessment of children’s progress takes place throughout the school year.
  • EYFS (Reception) children take part in baseline assessments on entry to school. They then work towards achieving a good level of development (GLD), which is the expected level for this age group.
  • In the summer term, Year 1 children take part in the National Phonics Screening programme. Results are reported to parents at the end of the year.
  • Y4 children take part in the National Multiplication Check.
  • Statutory Assessments currently take place for children at the end of ‘Key Stage 2’ (towards the end of their time in the juniors). Parents receive test results for KS2 along with their child’s end of year report.