Collective Worship

Collective Worship Collective Worship at Potterhanworth is an integral part of our school day. Our Church school vision at Potterhanworth is to ‘live life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) and through worship, and within the day-to-day life of our school, we are on a journey to live out this vision. Our Collective Worship has three underlying principles: being invitational, inclusive and inspirational. We believe Collective Worship is a time for our school to pause, reflect and value themselves and others, deepening their appreciation of our world. Children’s spiritual development is fostered through all aspects of school life and during Collective Worship this is strengthened. We wish to promote enquiring minds and sparks of curiosity, nurturing a sense of responsibility, independence, and positivity about themselves and others. Our Monday Collective Worships are planned and delivered using ‘Roots and Fruits’, following our six core values. Different staff lead these worships. During these times, our Collective Worship Council can be involved in delivering the prayers, using our puppets to tell stories, or delivering parts of the worship. Within the week, children are invited to take part in Collective Worship within Key Stages. Friday is Celebration Worship where we gather in St Andrews’ Church. Parents and family are invited to join us. This is an opportunity for children to worship together, but also celebrate the achievements of their week. Termly, we are joined termly by Reverend Lorna to lead worship.