Achievement in Phonics

Achievement in Phonics

  We are delighted to have received a letter from Nick Gibb MP (Minister of State for School Reform) congratulating us on our very high standard of achievement in the 2015 phonics screen check.  This is the third consecutive year we have been in the top 2% of all...
Settling in Evening

Settling in Evening

Parents of our new Reception children were invited to a ‘settling in’ evening. They had the opportunity to meet the teacher and look at the exciting work their children had been doing.

Sports Partnership Tag Rugby

  On Wednesday 4th November our tag rugby team set off to Lincoln Rugby Club. It was very foggy and the forecast was for it to start raining! It wasn’t long before the forecast was correct! We spent the morning trying some small rugby games and gradually got...

Term 1 Intra Competition: level 1

Our last PE session of term 1 was the first wet lesson of the term. We quickly adapted our plans and all the children enjoyed an end ball competition in the hall. They enjoyed the friendly rivalry and worked well as a team. Well done to the green team, who were our...