
Once again, our infants wowed their audience at the Nativity.  Two performances of ‘Woops-a-Daisy Angel’ took place in St Andrew’s Church on 9 December.
Egg Bus!

Egg Bus!

On 9 December, at short notice, we were delighted to welcome the Egg Bus to our school.  All Juniors enjoyed climbing aboard the double-decker bus to explore facts about eggs.

Fire Stop Safety Winner

Children were invited to enter a competition to design a poster for Fire Stop Services.  We were delighted that RubyLyn (age 8) was the winner (there were hundreds of entries from numerous schools and academies across Lincolnshire). Her artwork now looks fantastic on...
Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

Children enjoyed a lovely ‘crafty’ day, making items for their stalls.  They then sold these at our Christmas Fair.  They put their maths skills into practice by purchasing items from a budget and pricing their products to make a profit.

Church Wreath Competition

We were delighted to win! Children thoroughly enjoyed creating a Christmas wreath which represented our school.  Thank you for parental support.