Science Quality Mark

Science Quality Mark

We are delighted to have been awarded the Silver Science Quality Mark. Mrs Collins and the children have worked hard to meet the criteria of this award, and received some very favourable feedback from the assessor.

Visit to The Collection

KS2 had a fantastic time at The Collection Museum on 24 March. On arrival, they were taken into the cinema-like auditorium for an introduction to the day. They then split into two groups: one group took to the streets of Lincoln to follow the Roman Walk. Group two...

Spring Concert

On Tuesday 22 March, our Spring Concert took place in a very packed St Andrew’s Church. The evening was full of variety, including singing, choral poems and instrument extravaganzas. It was a very memorable evening and a lovely end to our spring term. Winners of...

Lincoln Music and Drama Festival

We are very proud of our children’s performances at the Lincoln Music and Drama Festival. The infant group speaking came second; the junior group speaking came first (and won first overall out of three group speaking classes); the infant choir came second....