Church Schools Festival

Church Schools Festival

On Thursday 25th May, the year 6 children went to the annual Church Schools’ Festival at Lincoln Cathedral. They split into two groups; one group enjoyed bell ringing, whilst the other group enjoyed a theatre workshop. Both groups took part in a choral workshop...


Now that Spring is here, we are enjoying preparing and planting on our allotment.  We also harvested spring onions.
Holy Communion

Holy Communion

The whole school joined together for their Holy Communion Service which was led by Reverend Lorna Brabin-Smith. The children were also joined by  parents and  school governors. A number of children helped Reverend Lorna throughout the Service.  The Junior Choir sang...
Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt

Children enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs on the last day of term!

Spring Concert

All Key Stage 2 children took part in our annual Spring Concert.  It was a delightful celebration of the children’s talents.  The evening included drumming, instrumental performances, singing and choral speaking.  The standard was incredibly high – well...