
Did you know? The school ‘year’ lasts for only 190 days . . . this leaves 175 days per year for your child to enjoy family time, friends, visits, holidays, shopping, appointments, etc.
We regularly monitor your child’s attendance at school We appreciate that sometimes an absence is unavoidable, but we know that any absence from school will affect your child’s learning.
If your child’s attendance falls below 95%, we will contact you to inform you that their attendance will be monitored. If attendance does not improve, we will seek a meeting to discuss ways in which we can work together to improve it.
For safety reasons, please let school know before 09:15 am if your child is absent.
Registers close 30 minutes after the start of each session (9.15 am and 1.45 pm).
Attendance and Absence Reporting
A reminder that our attendance policy states that we require a minimum of one week’s notice (whenever possible) of any appointments your child has during school time. Please complete a form (available in link below or from the school office) if your child will be attending dental/medical/other appointments.
We wish to emphasise the importance of regular attendance at school. School is a vital part of your child’s academic and personal growth, and they enjoy the routine and sequences of learning that help them to thrive. Whilst we appreciate children may be absent due to illness, the school will not authorise any holiday requests unless they are deemed as ‘exceptional circumstances’ or meet the Department for Education criteria.
We require a minimum of four weeks’ notice in advance for any holiday requests.
Reporting Absence for Illness
For safety reasons, please let school know before 09:15 am if your child is absent.
Registers close 30 minutes after the start of each session (9.15 am and 1.45 pm).
Please email your class email address to inform teachers of absence or pick up arrangements. Class email addresses are listed below.