This is something which do well at Potter. Children love competing and many of them want to win! We provide as many competitive opportunities for our children. When small teams are required then this has to be selective, based on ability. Sometimes when resources permit, we enter two or even three teams to allow as many children that want to, the opportunity to compete. We have written a statement which specifies how children are selected and that behaviour in school has to be good.
- Children have the opportunity to compete at both intra and inter level
- Intra: half termly we compete in team colours in the sports /skills we have been covering. For example at the end of term 4 KS2 had an intra-competition in tri golf (run by Lincoln college), fitness and handball
- Inter:
- Football & netball leagues with other local small schools run by us
- Cross country as above
- This year a small athletics comp
- Competitions run by Branston for their feeder schools: aimed at KS1 and KS2. This can range from a small team of 5 for a bench ball tournament or an athletics squad of almost 30! We have always had excellent links with Branston and they have been running very successful primary competitions for as long as we can remember.
- Competitions run by the partnership- this has enabled us to have wider links with more schools. It has also opened up sporting opportunities. We met Stacey Mitchell at a tri golf event, which has led to a half term’s worth of coaching from Lincoln College and links to golf clubs.
- To get to the Sainsbury’s games last year was amazing – the variety of sports, the organisation and the age range competing was incredible. Our children looked overwhelmed but had a fantastic time. They were even more delighted with their 2nd place in the golf!
- We are looking forward to going again this year with three teams.